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4711 Original Eau de Cologne

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4711 Original Eau de Cologne - NEW ZEALAND

4711 Original Eau de Cologne (Mülhens, 1792) is a legendary fragrance renowned for its distinctive blend of citrus and herbal notes, creating a revitalizing and aromatic experience. Nothing compares to its intense freshness, designed to be liberally applied or splashed all over the body. As one of the oldest continuously produced fragrances, it has maintained its original formula for over 200 years, comprising 28.2% bergamot, 23.5% orange, 11.2% petitgrain (orange blossom), 10.2% lemon, and 7% neroli oil, with hints of lavender and rosemary among other components. Its character is generous, sparkling, and vibrant. Created in Germany by Wilhelm Mülhens and named after his residence in Glockengasse, Cologne—4711—this scent is the origin of the term 'eau de cologne.' The iconic bottle was initially designed by Peter Heinrich Molanus in 1820.

4711 Original Eau de Cologne remains a quintessential classic and a fundamental reference in the citrus fragrance category. It is invigorating and effervescent, a fleeting but delightful essence that envelops the body. The refreshing coolness of the liquid matches the uplifting aroma perfectly. Strikingly direct yet profoundly nostalgic, it immediately delivers a sharp and energizing sensation reminiscent of a blooming orange tree, the concentrated sunlight captured in these citrus fruits, and the deep blue of its label. Essential.